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Help Pudica protect her personal space

On the bus, at the office, at work, at the Gym...

practically everywhere she goes, people are always harassing her. let's make this stop!


"Pudica" is a simple game in a complicated world aimed to spread awareness to the presence of sexual harassment and violation of personal space.

Join Pudica for a ride through her everyday life in which she deals with annoying hands aimed at her body. See how it feels to be under the constant threat of harassment. 

Tap the hands invading Pudicas space to make them go away.

Key Features

Version 1.1 (18/7/2017)

•Join in for a struggle against sexual harassment 

• Tap the hands & text messages to make them go away

• Level up and reach different locations and people
as the frequency and number of hands become more Challenging to avoid

• Explore & fight the violent world we're living in
as if Pudica was your daughter you were defending

Game Screens

Pudica in the crowd

Pudica in the crowd

Key Features

The Installation

The Game

In the mobile game, the player gets a taste of how it feels like to walk around as an easy target for harassment. Try to make it through a day in the life of Pudica with out getting hurt to discover that it's pretty much impossible.  

In order to take the emotional involvement a step further, we've created an interactive version of the game. The visitor is filmed and screened inside the game. He takes "pudica"s actual place and is forced to defend himself from the harassment  aimed at him- both physical & verbal.



 Art Director : Inbal Netzer

Game Dev: Dan Sivan 


Special thanks to:
Doron Weiss, Mordy Ohana, 
Tal chausho gur-arie, Max Nemirovsky,
Nira Pereg, Vered Pnueli, Orit Hofshi,
Benjy Cook & Amnon Dekel


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